Monday, 7 December 2015

I explored the "born digital fiction" topic through Storify.

I wanted to include the required "modes" (images, blog posts, video, etc.) in my post, but -- this being my first time out with Storify -- I also tried to experiment a bit with its capabilities.

I searched through each of the Storify tabs that were accessible to me, and found that Google, Getty images, and YouTube yielded most of the results.

I searched primarily for any permeation and combination of "born," "digital," and "fiction." While searching for a combination of the three terms turned up very little, results from searches for two terms could be misleading. Admittedly, I relied on Wikipedia for much of the information pertaining to the origins and development of the born digital fiction medium.

On Twitter, I tried to get a sense of what might be trending re: born digital fiction, and came up with #borndigital, where i found references to "Inanimate Alice" and tweets about a variety of digital creations.

In choosing what I included in the piece, I tried to reflect a variety of modes (tweets, a video, blog posts, an image, a link to a paper, etc.) while reviewing each for relevant content and alignment with the topic. I also tried to select a few modes that were visually interesting (the image and video) to capture the reader's attention.

My post provides a glimpse into born digital fiction, and perhaps a starting point for someone brand new to the concept. While born digital fiction is still relatively young, an abundance of stories have been told over the last few decades, and a single Storify post doesn't adequately paint a "full picture" of the medium. That said, the topic could translate easily (and interestingly) into an academic essay on the origins, current status, and future state of born digital fiction.

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