Tuesday 24 November 2015

About the Course

Image via Visually.

Course Description

Web 2.0 storytelling employs the creative use of digital tools and offers exciting new possibilities for collaboration and sharing. Storytelling practices and features that have grown out of the Web 2.0 technologies and cultural forms will be introduced. The new ways of creating and experiencing narrative (often nonlinear and increasingly media-rich) that the social web can provide are explored, along with basic concepts of storytelling and its use as an educational and marketing tool in this new environment.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you should be able to:
·       apply theories about electronic literature in their own interpretations of specific works
·       reflect upon web 2.0 technologies and platforms suitability for narrative
·       read, experience and critique nonlinear and multimodal texts

Course Materials & Resources

      Class Blog: http://exsm3989fall2015.blogspot.ca/


  1. I'm Lori, a communications person at the U of A. We are trying to expand our social media footprint, and I'm moving slowly through the social media citation, learning lots as I go! Found myself nodding along to Nicholas Carr's article "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" Can't seem to make it through too many novels these days without finding my attention drifting. On the other hand, I've become quite accomplished at absorbing information from a variety of sources all at once, but perhaps only peripherally...that can't be good.

    1. I agree with not making through novels...I love them, but it's taking me longer to go through one.

  2. Hello my name is Diana, I'm an admin professional and I'm continuing my studies on Social Media.

    I didn't know that there was anything called Digital Literature before this class. I was thinking the class would teach best practices on how to write blogs/tweets/and other social media stories...but really didn't know of the world of Digital Literature. Maybe, I was under a rock? What ever the case, taking this class is surely making me learn lots.

    I thought there was Kindle stories and then there's games...but putting them together to engage the reader to tell a story? wow

    Here are my thoughts from this weeks readings and videos:

    - 4 am is now the new "Witching Hour" (not the minute after midnight). How separate people, if you dig deep (or research hard enough) you can find something that connects everyone. And something called the Gicometti Code.

    - Digital Literature is hybrid by nature, tests the boundaries of literacy and challenges the reader to "rethink" assumptions. An interactive form of fiction which has games involved.

    - Patchwork Girl, by Shelly Jackson is now considered classical digital literature compared to what is created now.

    - We are not much as readers as we were before, but we're skimming information or text. Or Power Browse with all the information overload. Like our classmate Lori, I too notice I spend more time on the web than read novels.

    - The one line that struck with me from the Google is making us stupid was "We are not only want we read, but we are how we read". Graphics, skimming and glancing for what we want to read are what we're pretty much doing these days.

    - In Hypertext, you can do anything, Engage senses of sight, sound and lets you think how the story can be. E-literature is conceptual writing. Engages the reader in many ways and helps people tell their own story.

    - Games are now being works of art, both visually and story telling. Digital literature continues the project of literature.

    - From the article of Literature is Dead, interesting to know that women and minorities are starting to tell their stories and getting the poem's out to the public.

    - Also, I noticed that poems were mentioned a lot during our reading and videos. They are short, to the point and evoke emotion on a few words, but when put with other media (music, games, graphics and videos) it takes a deep approach to telling the story.

    Looking forward to learning more about this subject. I've started sharing what I've learned with some of my friends, including inanimate Alice.

